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Pick Up 8!
MicroPlastics Campaign

The campaign is designed to raise awareness of microplastics in the oceans, and to provide a solution and encouragement to aid the mass removal of microplastics from beaches and watercourses across the globe by harnessing People Power to Help the Sea Heal.

Pick Up 8 Challenge!

8 Beaches in 8 Days!

Everyone is invited to join the Largest…no Smallest…

Hide and Seek Game ever!

Check out our all Pick Up 8! Beach Challenge dates... 


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Wild Nurdles

Hunt for Wild Nurdles...

Wild Nurdles may sound cute and cuddly but these are all wild microplastics which have escaped into our environment, all of which are smaller than your hand and most are less than 1cm; unfortunately due to their size, they are also more likely to be eaten by sea creatures and birds.


That's why we need your help and keen eyes to spot the rainbow colours in the sand and remove these brightly coloured microplastics. 

We encourage everyone to Pick up 8! pieces of microplastic every time they walk back from their beach walk... if everyone Picked Up 8, then together, the beach and sea creatures will quickly become freed from these wild naughty microplastics!

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Pick Up 8!


Microplastics are any type of plastic smaller than your hand, including tiny pellets of plastics called nurdles and biobeads, which can be ingested by Sea Beings as it fragments. There is no mechanical mechanism to remove microplastics from the oceans. BUT as people, we tend to spot things and are quite good, generally, at tidying up!

So if you happen to spot any microplastics on the way back from your beach, Pick Up 8! Micro Plastics and Pop It In The Bin! If you don’t live near a beach then Pick Up 8! at ANY type of water environment, as all water ends up in the sea, so stopping microplastics entering the sea in the first place is direct action that you can take part in instantly.


Everyone is invited to become ACTIVE-ists and upload images of their ‘Micro Pieces of Eight Treasure’ to Blue Seas Protection’s facebook group page: Pick Up 8!  

The rules are:

  1. A Maximum of 8 Micro Plastics EACH person

  2. Picked Up EVERY Time you LEAVE the Beach

  3. ONLY on the way back from your visit to a beach, river, lake or stream.

  4. Pop them in the bin at the top of the beach steps!

  5. Remember to wash your hands after visiting the beach.

Here's the Sciency Bit...

1 person removes 8 pieces of Microplastic

2 dog walkers remove 16 pieces

1x family of 4 removes 32 microplastic pieces…


TOTAL:  56 Micro Plastics pieces

Instantly removed from the beach!

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There are 58 people  on the beach + promenade

58 x 8  = 

464 microplastics off the beach instantly

the Answer is...

If everyone Picked Up 8!...

How many pieces of microplstic will be removed from this beach?


Pick up 8! is on a mission...
By 31st December 2023, we aim to have recorded at least 8000 pieces of Micro Plastics being removed from island beaches this year, but we need your help!

Send us images of your Pick up 8! Treasures to Blue Seas Protection’s facebook group page: Pick Up 8!:  

We will add all your finds to our Microplastic Countdown Board...

see below for how many you have found so far:  

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2402 Microplastics removed from the Global Beach!


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With thanks to Captain S Oates Senior, Captain G Oates, Susan Betts.

Founded in the 1980s, Blue Seas Protection is a fast-growing UK Registered Charity and is recognised by the United Nations (ID 28379) and U.N.E.S.C.O.

Registered UK Charity Number: 1189529

© 2021 Blue Seas Protection. All Rights Reserved.

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