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Geology in a Jar Workshop

Capture a slice of our island in a Jar

This lump of rock that we all float on is special because it is made up of different layers of hard materials that have been forged during a chaotic geological time warp.


The island is known as Dinosaur Island due to rich fossils that can be found here, so join SharkLab as we explore how the Isle of Wight is made up whilst we walk along the beach looking for fossils, we will use the Islands Geology and Palaeontology to craft a slice of our mini island into a jam jar time capsule.

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With thanks to Captain S Oates Senior, Captain G Oates, Susan Betts.

Founded in the 1980s, Blue Seas Protection is a fast-growing UK Registered Charity and is recognised by the United Nations (ID 28379) and U.N.E.S.C.O.

Registered UK Charity Number: 1189529

© 2021 Blue Seas Protection. All Rights Reserved.

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